Collaborative Editing

Content: This is an interesting transaction topic:

  • how to concurrently work on one document (process) without blocking? e.g. google docs, etc.
  • how to synchronize sub-documents (scripts, html, etc.)?

What data is synchronized for collaborative editing?

  • the events (name + modification data + author + date) that bpmn-js emits events, if something was changed inside the GUI
  • also emit events if something is directly changes inside the BPMN (Constraints, Name, ID, Extensions, etc.)
  • Question: can an event also be emitted immediately when there is something changed inside the HTML, Script, Constraint View? (not the whole script)

What needs to be done for synchronizing?

  1. emit event
  2. change BPMN process
  3. verify: check if the changed BPMN is the same on all the other systems
    • if not: re-sync and get correct BPMN

How to sync the changes to every client?

  • there are two versions: 1. the server has the source of truth, or 2. the client has the source of truth

Main PROBLEMS to solve:

  • two clients work concurrently on the same process and should not override any changes from the others

Minor Problems:

  • How is the time synchronized over all Client for lastModificationDate?
    • goal: see the time of the last modification
    • the Server can not add a date to the event because the triggering client does not receive its own event, but instead incorporates its changes by himself => but if the client has another time than all the other clients, the process hash is different
    • Solution 1: when initialized server sends time to the client, client manages this time and use it (not the system time)
    • Solution 2: last modification is not a time, but a unique id
  • What happens to the Back- and Forward-Buttons?
    • Can everybody revert (back) the changes from others?

The server truth

  • the server incorporates all changes into the BPMN process
    • every client also does it for itself

Verify that every editing client has the latest version:

  • after incorporating all open changes, the server sends a hash of the new process to all registered clients
  • Client validate the hash with their version and requests a complete process update, if it is not the same
  • PROBLEM: the incorporation is done in parallel on every system (server and clients)
    • if there are many change events, one system can be faster than the other
    • if the server is faster than the client, the client gets a process hash before it finished the incorporation of all changes
      • => the client needs to check against the same "version" as the server had for calculating the hash
      • SOLUTION 1 (simple, maybe not sufficient): just compare when the incorporation of all events on the Client is finished (if there is a hash update from the server, just override the existing hash)
      • SOLUTION 2 (more complex): in addition to the hash, send which (last 10) events have been incorporated in the hash and compare it

sequenceDiagram participant C1 as Client1 participant C2 as Client2 participant S as Server participant Cn as Client-N

note over C1: Start process editing activate C1 C1->>+S: get process-1 and register for process-1 changes S-->>-C1: latest process version

note over C2: Start process editing activate C2 C2->>+S: get process-1 and register for process-1 changes S-->>-C2: latest process version

par Editing concurrently C1->>C1: change something in process-1 C1->>S: send change event activate S S->>C2: broadcast change event from Client1 note over S,Cn: no broadcast of the change event to other clients %%because they didn't work on the process (no registration) S->>S: add change event to process-1 "Change-Queue" C2->>C2: add change event to process-1 "Change-Queue" and In Parallel: no change from Client1 received yet C2->>C2: change something in process-1 C2->>S: send change event note over S,Cn: no broadcast of the change event to other clients %%because they didn't work on the process (no registration) S->>C1: broadcast change event from Client2 S->>S: add change event to process-1 "Change-Queue" C1->>C1: add change event to process-1 "Change-Queue" end

par Parallel Change Incorporation loop until "Change-Queue" is empty C1->>C1: incorporate change from Client2 into process-1 end and loop until "Change-Queue" is empty C2->>C2: incorporate change from Client1 into process-1 end and loop until "Change-Queue" is empty S->>S: incorporate change from Client1 into process-1 S->>S: incorporate change from Client1 into process-1 end S->>S: calculate hash of new process note over S,Cn: send hash only to registered clients S->>C1: send new process hash S->>C2: send new process hash deactivate S end

par In Parallel C1->>C1: compare new process-1 hash opt Client hash != Server hash C1->>+S: get complete process-1 S-->>-C1: latest process version end and C2->>C2: compare new process-1 hash opt Client hash != Server hash C2->>+S: get complete process-1 S-->>-C2: latest process version end end

deactivate C1 deactivate C2

The client truth

  • the client send the change event to the server, which distributes it
  • the client calculates the new BPMN process
  • the client sends the new process to the server
    • the server stores this version as the latest version
  • verification as before with hashes


  • too many problem with concurrent editing on multiple clients in parallel: if both clients send the BPMN to the server at the same time, which one is then the correct one?
    • it would require blocking again, which we want to avoid