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User GuideKeyboard Shortcuts

Using shortcuts in PROCEED

Process-List Shortcuts

Creating & Managing Processes:

  • Ctrl or + Enter: Opens the panel to create a new process or confirms if a modal is opened.
  • Ctrl or + A: Selects all currently visible processes in the list.
  • Ctrl or + C: Copies all selected processes.
  • Ctrl or + V: Pastes all copied processes.
  • Ctrl or + E: Opens the export modal for all selected processes.
  • Del: Deletes the currently selected processes.

Selection & Navigation:

  • Esc: Deselects processes or closes the currently opened modal.
  • Ctrl or + Click: Adds or removes a process to/from the selection.
  • Shift + Click: Selects from the last clicked to the currently clicked process, including all in between.
  • Tab: Switches focus between elements in modals.

Modeler Shortcuts

Modeler Navigation:

  • Esc + Esc: Closes the modeler and returns to the process list.
  • Ctrl or + Enter: Opens the property panel.
  • Shift + Enter: Opens the share modal.
  • Ctrl or + X: Opens the XML editor.
  • Ctrl or + E: Opens the export modal.
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