This page describes the adoption of the BPMN XML files applied by the PROCEED Management System. One of the goals is to stay as standard conform as possible. Some attributes (with a prefix) extending the standard and are defined inside the PROCEED XSD definition
is the top level element in any BPMN model. It contains one or
more process
definitions and other BPMN elements. Here is the explanation
about the generated values for the attributes:
: there is one extra namespace added for PROCEEDs extensionsid
: Underscore plus a random UUID v4 to generate a global unique id, e.g."_e292e6c4-4d7f-4aff-b91f-c102d5ea4ae8"
(it needs to start with an underscore or letter because of the XSD type ID)name
: same as the (file) name of the created process, e.g."My First PROCEED Process"
: the URL""
plus the id, e.g.""
for schema validation
(JavaScript Version : )typeLanguage
, (JSON has six data types: string, number, boolean, null/empty, object, array)exporter
:"PROCEED Management System"
contains the version number of the Management System
: (optional) if the process was imported into PROCEED’s Management System, this contains the original definition idproceed:originalExporter
: (optional) if the process was imported into PROCEED’s Management System, this contains the original exporterproceed:originalExporterVersion
: (optional) if the process was imported into PROCEED’s Management System, this contains the original exporterVersionproceed:originalTargetNamespace
: (optional) if the process was imported into PROCEED’s Management System, this contains the original targetNamespaceproceed:creatorEnvironmentId
: (optional) if given during process creation, the id of the environment the process creator belongs to. “Env”+UUIDv4proceed:creatorEnvironmentName
: (optional) if given during process creation, the name of the environment the process creator belongs toproceed:creatorId
: (optional) the id of the process creatorproceed:creatorName
: (optional) the Name of the process creator
: unique id like it is generated in bpmn-js (e.g.Process_1wqd8fv
: name of the pool (aka participant name), if no pool default:"PROCEED Main Process"
: trueproceed:deploymentMethod
: attribute for changing the deployment method. Can have the valuesstatic
for the respective methods
Flow Nodes inside a process
The id
The id identifies a BPMN element unambiguously and is often used to reference the specific element. It has to be unique, that’s why in PROCEED most ids have the pattern: element name plus a small random id connected with an underscore, e.g. “SequenceFlow_0mwtb46”. (This behaviour is borrowed from the libraries)
Hint: Since a BPMN model can import other BPMN process definitions, the ids of the elements has to be unique over multiple files. This is done with the combination of the targetNamespace and the elements id
The attributes for static deployment
For static deployment two attributes can be attached to a Flow Node (Events,
Activities and Gateways). They define the Machine were this flow node must be
executed. They are only valid if proceed:deploymentMethod
is set to static
: references a specific Machine idproceed:machineAddress
: references a specific Machine IP address and Port (IPv4 example:, IPv4 example: [1fff:0:a88:85a3::ac1f]:33029 — the port is optional)
In static deployment mode, if an execution reaches a flow node the Engine checks
whether the machineId
and machineAddress
match the current Machine. If not,
it sends the execution (the token) to the specified machine.
A flow node can contain one of the attributes or both. If both are set the
takes precedence because it should be a unique value.
Constraints inside extensionElements
for dynamic deployment
For dynamic deployment the extensionElements
on flow nodes is used. It
contains constraints that restrict the deployment and execution of a flow node.
For more XML serialization information, see here.
Execution of a task by an external program
PROCEED is able to let other programs execute a Flow Node if they have the
attribute set to true
. This is especially useful if an external
program has more information about the task context, e.g. if it knows the best
resource to fulfill the task. In this case, the token just waits in the READY
state of an activity until an external programs requests and indicates via the
API the execution or completion of the task.
Meta Information
The <process>
and every Flow Node can contain further meta data. They are
embedded inside <extensionElements><proceed:meta>...
. Here is the ordered
list of possible elements:
: - represents the id of an order : - only used in
Projects, is only used on the <process>
: - indicates the name of the order : - it is usually the
same as the project name which is stored inside the name
attribute in
definitions : - only used in Projects, is only used on the <process>
: - is a short Order/Project identifier : - only used in
Projects, is only used on the <process>
: - represents the ID of a customer : - only used in
Projects, is only used on the <process>
: - represents the name of a customer : - only used in
Projects, is only used on the <process>
: - specifies the scheduled date when a
process, activity or event is planned to start : - this is only relevant for
Projects, since they are only executed one time (they are able to be executed
on a specified date) : - datatype xsd:dateTime, inspired by ISO
8601 , date and time required, timezone
optional : - example value: 2020-08-15T15:30:00+01:00
: - specifies the scheduled date when a process,
activity or event is planned to end : - this is only relevant for Projects,
since they are only executed one time (they are able to be executed on a
specified date) : - datatype xsd:dateTime, inspired by ISO
8601 , date and time required, timezone
optional : - example value: 2020-08-15T15:30:00+01:00
: - specifies the planned duration of a process,
activity or event : - datatype xsd:duration, inspired by ISO
8601 , starts with a P and separates
the time with a T : - example value: PT2H30M, P2M10D, P1Y2M3DT4H30M12S
<proceed:costsPlanned unit="Euro">
: - specifies the planned costs of a
process, activity or event : - can be used to calculate the overall process
costs : - datatype xsd:decimal, unit
attribute is optional and a string
: - specifies the probability that the process
flow will take a specific sequence flow after a splitting XOR, OR and
Event-based gateway : - is used for simulation : - only occurs inside a
: - datatype xsd:integer between 0 - 100 percent
: - contains a summary picture about the FlowNode or
process : - can contain either base64 encoded data
URIs with an image mime type or
absolute URLs
<proceed:property name="xyz">
: - specifies arbitrary information, e.g. plugin
data : - name
attribute is required and a string : - can be used on every
level, i.e. on <process>
or every flow node : - the value is specified inside
the content of the element
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="My First PROCEED Process"
exporter="PROCEED Management System"
proceed:originalExporter="Camunda Modeler"
proceed:creatorEnvironmentName="SNET PROCEED Environment"
proceed:creatorName="Max Mustermann"
<process id="Process_1wqd8fv"
name="PROCEED Main Process"
processType="Private" isExecutable="true"
<proceed:orderName>My First PROCEED Process</proceed:orderName>
<proceed:customerName>ACME company</proceed:customerName>
<proceed:property name="lastAuthor">Max Mustermann</proceed:property>
<startEvent id="Event_141ngxf" proceed:machineId="6bd9c3cf-8164-453a-a039-e8aaf138f192">
<sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0mwtb46" sourceRef="Event_141ngxf" targetRef="Task_1pdn5o1"/>
{/* the machineId has precedence */}
<task id="Task_1pdn5o1"
<proceed:costsPlanned unit="Euro">3000.50</proceed:costsPlanned>
<proceed:property name="editor">VSCode</proceed:property>
<proceed:hardConstraint timeout="10">
<proceed:values conjunction="OR">
<proceed:value unit="GB">2</proceed:value>
<proceed:softConstraint weight="5">
<sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0a33trv" sourceRef="Task_1pdn5o1" targetRef="EndEvent_099f60v"/>
<endEvent id="EndEvent_099f60v" proceed:machineAddress="[1fff:0:a88:85a3::ac1f]:33029">
Used Resources and possible Locations
Every kind of task and the message events can contain a list of resources that
indicate the used or transferred things, especially for production use cases.
They are embedded inside <extensionElements><proceed:resources>...
. Here is
the ordered list of possible elements:
: - represents the resources that will be
consumed during execution of a task (in case of a message task it represent the
resources that are sent or received) : - can occur multiple times to represent
multiple consumed resources : - only used in <task>
and its sub-types, or
message events
: - represents the assistive equipment/auxiliary
devices/instruments/fixtures/apparatus that will be used during execution of a
task : - can occur multiple times : - only used in <task>
and its sub-types
: - represents the testing or measuring devices
that will be used during execution of a task : - can occur multiple times : -
only used in <task>
and its sub-types
Every kind of task can contain a list of locations that indicate the expected
place of its execution, especially for production use cases. They are embedded
inside <extensionElements><proceed:locations>...
. Here is the ordered list
of possible elements:
: - represents the location where a task is expected to
be executed or the destination (in case of a transport task) : - can occur
multiple times: represents an OR connection, meaning the execution is possible
at all the specified locations : - only used in <task>
and its sub-types : -
can have the attributes buildingRef
and areaRef
to reference the id
of a
building or area where it belongs to (optional)
: - represents an area inside a building : - logically it can
contain multiple working places (the working places reference the area) : - can
occur multiple times : - only used in <task>
and its sub-types : - can have
the attribute buildingRef
to reference the id
of a building where it belongs
to (optional)
: - represents a building, belonging to a factory : - can
occur multiple times : - only used in <task>
and its sub-types : - can have
the attribute factoryRef
to reference the id
of a factory where it belongs
to (optional)
: - represents one plant, belonging to a company : - can
occur multiple times : - only used in <task>
and its sub-types : - can have
the attribute companyRef
to reference the id
of a company where it belongs
to (optional)
: - represents a company : - only used in <task>
and its
Every location and resource can also contain another element
to further explain the context in more detail.
Available Attributes
All location and resource elements can contain the following attributes (optional):
: - represents a unique id for the location or resource element
: - represents a short identifier for the location or resource
: - represents a long identifier for the location or resource element
Attributes available only for resources:
: - represents the manufacturer of the resource element
: - represents the manufacturer’s serial number of
the resource element
: - represents the unit in which the resource is measured
: - represents the needed quantity of the resource : - defaults to 1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions ... >
<process id="Process_1wqd8fv" ...>
<startEvent id="Event_141ngxf" proceed:machineId="6bd9c3cf-8164-453a-a039-e8aaf138f192">
<sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0mwtb46" sourceRef="Event_141ngxf" targetRef="Task_1pdn5o1"/>
<task id="Task_1pdn5o1">
<proceed:consumableMaterial id="" shortName="" longName="" manufacturer="" manufacturerSerialNumber="" unit="" quantity="3" />
<proceed:consumableMaterial id="" shortName="" longName="" manufacturer="" manufacturerSerialNumber="" unit="" quantity="3">
<proceed:tool id="" shortName="" longName="" manufacturer="" manufacturerSerialNumber="" unit="" quantity="3" />
<proceed:tool id="" shortName="" longName="" manufacturer="" manufacturerSerialNumber="" unit="" quantity="3">
<proceed:inspectionInstrument id="" shortName="" longName="" manufacturer="" manufacturerSerialNumber="" unit="" quantity="3" />
<proceed:inspectionInstrument id="" shortName="" longName="" manufacturer="" manufacturerSerialNumber="" unit="" quantity="3">
<proceed:workingPlace id="" shortName="" longName="" buildingRef="" areaRef="" />
<proceed:workingPlace id="" shortName="" longName="" buildingRef="" areaRef="">
<proceed:area id="" shortName="" longName="" buildingRef="" />
<proceed:area id="" shortName="" longName="" buildingRef="">
<proceed:building id="" shortName="" longName="" factoryRef="" />
<proceed:building id="" shortName="" longName="" factoryRef="">
<proceed:factory id="" shortName="" longName="" companyRef="" />
<proceed:factory id="" shortName="" longName="" companyRef="">
<proceed:company id="" shortName="" longName="" />
<proceed:company id="" shortName="" longName="">
<sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0a33trv" sourceRef="Task_1pdn5o1" targetRef="EndEvent_099f60v"/>
<endEvent id="EndEvent_099f60v" proceed:machineAddress="[1fff:0:a88:85a3::ac1f]:33029">