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Developer InformationScript Task API

BPMN Script Tasks and their API

An executable BPMN diagram can contain Script Tasks. In PROCEED, you can use pure JavaScript to write functionalities for the process. Therewith, you also have access to APIs for accessing process variables or to trigger network requests.

At the end of the script there can be a return, ending the script. The return may return an object with properties/value pairs which will update process variables. A Script Task can also end by a semantic error, which will be caught by an attached boundary Error or Escalation event. This is done by throwing an BpmnError or an BpmnEscalation.

If an error is thrown but not caught within the BPMN process, or if the script itself has an error (e.g. syntax error), the token will end its execution. (This only stops the running token, not the whole process.)

The code of a script task is usually executed within a sandboxed JavaScript environment, so that it is not able to influence the PROCEED Engine.
The supported ECMAScript version depends on the used Node.js version which runs the PROCEED Engine, but at least ECMAScript Version 8 is supported.


The following example is a BPMN process describing the workflow of an online shop which offers to ship products to their customers: The process starts with a received order, then the order gets processed and finally shipped to a customer.

Using the attached boundary elements Error and Escalation, the process can handle exceptional behavior when processing the order: If there is an escalation triggered because of an unusual high amount of ordered products, the customer will be informed of a late shipment. If there occurs an error while processing, the customer is informed that the order got canceled.

BPMN Order Process

Example Script Code

const amount = variable.get('amount'); // amount of the ordered products const cost = variable.get('cost'); // cost of the ordered products if (cost < 50) { // update the costs try { // add shipping costs to total cost variable.set('cost', cost + 5); } catch (err) {'Error occured while processing order: ' + err); throw new BpmnError('A severe error occured while processing'); } } if (amount > 100) { // execute alternative flow to the attached escalation boundary-event throw new BpmnEscalation('late shipment', 'The order is too much'); }



In a Script Task it is possible to read and modify the process variables. This can be done via the object variable.

When setting variables, it is required to use only data types which are supported by JSON. Variables are not allowed to contain undefined, functions or cyclical objects. Not following these requirements, the Script Task will throw an error. Due to this, setting of a variable should be done in a try-catch block.

APIAccess to the process variables.
.set( "<name>", <value> )Updates the value of a variable
.get( "<name>" )Returns the value of a variable
.getAll()Returns an object containing all variables and values


Logging in the PROCEED Engine can be done via the object log. Depending on the log level and the Engine configuration, the logged message will maybe shown in the console.

APIWrite a message to the logging system of the Engine.
.trace( "<message>" )
.debug( "<message>" )
.info( "<message>" )
.warn( "<message>" )
.error( "<message>" )


Logging can also done via the object console. Using this way, the message will be redirected to the logging system of the engine and potentially shown in the console. Furthermore, console supports a few other functions:

APIWrite a message to the logging system of the Engine.
.log( "<message>" )
.trace( "<message>" )
.debug( "<message>" )
.info( "<message>" )
.warn( "<message>" )
.error( "<message>" )
.time( "<label>" )Starts a timer containing label parameter
.timeEnd( "<label>" )Ends a timer with given label parameter and displays the result in console

setProgress(<number between 0 - 100>)

The engine holds information about the current progress of a flow Node. Inside of a Script Task, the current progress can be set via the function setProgress, which accepts a value between 0 and 100 describing the percentage.

setProgress(<progress>)Set progress of a Script Task, progress between 0 and 100

await setIntervalAsync( <clb>, <number in milliseconds> )

An interval function which repeatedly calls a callback function after a timeout. It is similar to the conventional setInterval(), which is not available in a Script Task. The setIntervalAsync function returns a Promise, so you need to call it with await.

There are three possibilities for setIntervalAsync after the callback was executed:

  • The interval continues, if the callback function returns with false (any falsy value).
  • The interval ends, if the callback function returns with true.
  • Interval ends with an Error (use try-catch), if the callback function throws an error.
await setIntervalAsync(<clb>, <number in milliseconds>)clb: callback function which can return false (continue interval), true (stop interval), or throws an Error (stop with error).
Interval timeout in milliseconds before re-executing clb

await setTimeoutAsync( <clb>, <number in milliseconds> )

An timeout function which executes a callback function after a timeout expired. It is similar to the conventional setTimeout(), which is not available in a Script Task. The setTimeoutAsync function returns a Promise, so you need to call it with await.

await setTimeoutAsync(<clb>, <number in milliseconds>)clb function is executed after timeout expired. Returns the result of the clb function.


There are special functionalities for accessing system resources. They can be accessed via services by calling getService( 'service' ). Services are provided by the PROCEED Engine. The following services are currently offered:


Inside of a Script Task it is possible to send HTTP requests to a given URL. The network functions are asynchronous, meaning a Promise is returned. Attention: The async/await pattern should be used to handle this, not the .then() and .catch().

APISend network requests
.get( "<url>", [<{options}>]) (async)Send GET-Request to a URL
.post( "<url>", <{body}>, ["<content-type>"], [<{options}>]) (async)Send POST-Request to a URL with a body (Object or String)
.put( "<url>", <{body}>, ["<content-type>"], [<{options}>]) (async)Send PUT-Request to URL with a body (Object or String)
.delete( "<url>", [<{options}>]) (async)Send DELETE-Request to URL with given options
.head( "<url>", [<{options}>]) (async)Send HEAD-Request to URL with given options

The content-type is an optional string parameter. It sets the correct Mime type for the transmitted data. It defaults to "text/plain" if body is a string, and to "application/json" if body is a JS object (because it will automatically be transformed to JSON before sending).

The [<{options}>] object is optional. It resembles the Node.js options object for http.request. The most important variable is probably the headers object. (Some other will be automatically filled,, method, path.)

The functions resolve if the request was successful (meaning HTTP statusCode 2xx) with a returned object that looks as follows: { response, body }

  • response: is an object that contains meta information about the response, including .headers, .httpVersion, .method, .statusCode, .statusMessage, and .url. Because it resembles IncomingMessage, see the Node.js API about IncomingMessage for more information.
  • body: Body of the response

The functions throw an error (try-catch should be used) either if:

  • the response has a non-2xx statusCode: { response, body } will be returned as well
  • any error is encountered during the request (e.g. DNS resolution, TCP level errors, or actual HTTP parse errors): an Error object is returned.

Trigger Events

throw new BpmnError( ["<reference>",] "explanation" )

APISend network requests
'reference'Optional, a String that is matched to the corresponding errorCode of the error element (prio 1) or to the name attribute of the attached BPMN boundary error event (prio 2). If there is no match but an attached event without a name, then the flow is given to this Event. See Error and Escalation Event description
'explanation'A String that is stored in the logging system of the Engine.

throw new BpmnEscalation( ["<reference>",] "explanation" );

APISend network requests
'reference'Optional, a String that is matched to the corresponding escalationCode of the escalation element (prio 1) or to the name attribute of the attached BPMN boundary escalation event (prio 2). If there is no match but an attached event without a name, then the flow is given to this Event. See Error and Escalation Event description
'explanation'A String that is stored in the logging system of the Engine.


const capabilities = getService('capabilities'); const network = getService('network'); await setTimeoutAsync(() => {'Script started with a short delay'); }, 5000); const amount = variable.get('amount');"The value of the process variable 'amount' is: " + amount); if (typeof amount === 'number') { variable.set('amount', ++amount);"Increased variable 'amount' by 1"); } else { variable.set('amount', 1);"Set variable 'amount' to 1"); } // send get-request using given url and store response body in variable try { const { response, body } = await network.get('http://localhost:33029/status'); log.debug(`Successful GET request with response: ${response.statusCode}`);`Engine Status is: ${body}`); variable.set('requestedData', body); } catch (error) { if (error.response) { log.error('GET Response was not successful. Status Code: ' + error.response.statusCode); } else { log.error('An error occured in the GET request: ' + error.message); } } // set current progress of script task to 50% setProgress(50); // send put-request using given url and data const exampleText = '<task>A Simple XML element</task>'; try { const { response, body } = await network.put( '', exampleText, 'text/xml', { headers: { 'My-New-Header': 'Sent from PROCEED', }, }, ); log.debug(`Successful PUT request with response code: ${response.statusCode}`); log.debug(`Successful PUT request with response body: ${body}`); } catch (error) { if (error.response) { log.error('PUT Response was not successful. Status Code: ' + error.response.statusCode); throw new BpmnEscalation('BAD CODE given back'); } else { log.error('An error occured in the PUT request: ' + error.message); throw new BpmnError('An Error 101', 'It seems there is no Server'); } } // check if service is available, return true if so function checkState() { const { response, body } = await network.get(''); if (body.available) {'Service is available!'); return true; } else {'Service is not available! Test again'); return false; } } // request service status every second, end interval if service is available try { await setIntervalAsync(checkState, 1000);'Service is available'); } catch (error) { if (error.response) { log.error('GET Response was not successful. Status Code: ' + error.response.statusCode); } else { log.error('An error occured in the GET request: ' + error.message); } } const image = await capabilities.startCapability('takePhoto');'Photo taken'); // set variable with new value return { photo: image };

BPMN Network Test Process

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